+ If you need
a site...

Обо всем можно договориться
Обо всем можно договоритьс

If you need an attractive site which is also convenient for your working needs (we certainly have a common understanding of what it means), you'll have to take care of a great number of things:

    The design should keep you in good mood; the navigation system should be straightforward; html- (java-, javascript-, perl-, etc.) code should be bug-free; images should look professional; the internal structure should be easy to maintain and update; the visitor counting system should be set up; encoding/decoding should work properly.

Furthermore, your site should work not only on your computer/monitor, but also on any other computer connected to the net.

Also, you can enliven your site with animations, sound, and other nifty multimedia objects. Or your business needs might require the use of interactive technologies and dynamic html; shockwave and realaudio plug-ins; perl, java, and other programming modules.

Of course, you can do it all by yourself, but who needs such a headache?

Once you publish your site on the Relcom server, you'll save your visitors from a long agonizing wait in front of a blank browser window. Then it's time to register your site with search engines and web catalogs; and connect it to banner services, - and then you'll have all the web site reviewers singing to you: Hallelujah!

they are singing

P.S. - Damn sclerosis! First you need to obtain an address for your site! Actually, the Cadabra studio offers its services in completing all of the above, as well as in supporting the site and renewing its information. The easiest way to contact us is via cadabra@cadabra.ru. Also, see the sites of such respectable colleagues of ours as: and etc...

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© Cadabra 1998,
last update , webmaster@cadabra.ru